Message from Kate Marden, CEO of Flash Running Wild:
Please review this Flash Running Wild (the company) Code of Conduct, ask any questions you may have, and sign the acknowledgment section on the last page.
Thank you.
Compliance with the law
Flash Running Wild employees and contractors are expected to comply with all environmental, safety and fair dealing laws.
Respect in the workplace
Employees and contractors of Flash Running Wild are expected to respect their colleagues. We will not allow any kind of discriminatory behavior or harassment. Any type of harassment, including physical, sexual, and verbal, is prohibited and can result in disciplinary action.
Employees and contractors should conform with the equal opportunity laws in all aspects of their job duties.
Professionalism at the workplace
Employees and contractors are expected to act with integrity and professionalism. We expect employees and contractors to be ethical and responsible whenever dealing with our company finances, products, partnerships and public image.
Employees and contractors should not accept gifts and bribes from outside parties. This does not include reasonable “tips” for excellent service.
Job duties and authority
Employees and contractors should fulfill their job duties with integrity and respect toward customers, stakeholders and the community. Supervisors and managers must not abuse their authority.
Take responsibility and be accountable for your scope of work.
Protection of company property
Employees and contractors using company property, including intellectual property, are expected to treat Flash Running Wild’s property with respect and care.
Employees and contractors:
should not misuse company equipment.
should respect all incorporeal property such as trademarks, copyright and other property.
Employees and contractors may, however, use said property to do their jobs.
Conflict of interest
Employees and contractors are expected to avoid any personal, financial or other conflicts in performing their job duties.
Employees and contractors are expected to be collaborative.
Employees and contractors are encouraged to communicate openly with co-workers, supervisors, team members, third-party employees and contractors and clients.
The company and its employees and contractors shall maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary information. Proprietary information includes all non-public information that might be harmful to the company and its customers and business partners if disclosed and can include:
Customer lists
Supplier lists
Pricing information
Terms of contracts
Company policies and procedures
Financial statements
Marketing plans and strategies
Trade secrets
The company respects the privacy of its clients.
Employees and contractors may be asked to sign an agreement that contains provisions for information confidentiality and non-disclosure.
The company and its employees and contractors do not disclose any private, personal information of:
Employees and contractors
Employees and contractors store all personal information securely, keep it confidential and store it only for as long as it is needed for the purpose for which is was collected.
When providing personal information, employees and contractors should limit access to those with a clear business need for the information.
Record Keeping
The company keeps its books, records, accounts and financial statements in a complete, accurate, understandable, and timely manner.
All documents, databases, voice messages, mobile device messages, computer documents, files and photos are records
Employees and contractors should never destroy documents in response to, or in anticipation of, an investigation or audit.
Health and Safety
The company conducts business in accordance with applicable health and safety requirements.
CDC guidelines will be followed with regard to the current COVID-19 situation. For in-person meetings, social distancing will be encouraged and masks will be required for anyone not fully vaccinated. If any employee, contractor, or client has been exposed to someone testing positive for COVID-19 in the past 5 days, or has tested positive themselves, they will be asked not to attend any sessions until a negative test result has been obtained.
Employees and contractors are expected to perform their work in compliance with applicable health and safety laws, regulations, policies and procedures and apply safe work practices at all times in all locations.
Applicable safety and health requirements must be communicated to visitors, customers or outside contractors.
Employees and contractors are required to immediately report workplace injuries, illnesses or unsafe conditions, including “near-misses.”
Information Technology
The company expects its employees and contractors to help it safeguard all computer equipment and data against intentional malicious acts by individuals inside or outside the company.
The company safeguards against inappropriate access by individuals or groups untrained in correct company policies or procedures
The company does not use software for which it does not have a license.
Internet Use
The company understands that occasional personal use of the internet during work hours is a reasonable request.
However, the company does not allow internet use to support a personal business, political venture, or embarrass the company and its customers.
Social Media
The company respects the right of employees and contractors to use social media for personal and professional purposes.
Employees and contractors are accountable for what they post on social media while performing company duties.
Employees and contractors are asked to:
Reveal their relationship with the company when commenting online on issues related to the company
Respect the privacy of other employees and contractors and refrain from publishing photos of them without their consent
Ensure that any information they post about the company is accurate
Comply with the rules of the social media sites they use
Employees and contractors should not:
Speak on behalf of the company if they are not expressly authorized to do so by the Company CEO.
Share confidential information about the company, its clients, or suppliers
Post comments or pictures that could harm the company’s brand, reputation or commercial interests
Code of Conduct Acknowledgement
By certifying to the company code of conduct, you acknowledge that:
You have read the entire code of conduct and understand your responsibilities related to it.
You have had the opportunity to ask questions to clarify any unclear aspects of the code.
You agree to abide by its principles.
You agree to report to the company any violations of the code.
You agree to cooperate in any investigations of violations of the code.
Name (print) Signature Date